Electrical Safari Vehicles: The Future of African Safaris!

electrical safari vehicles


In the African bush, with the right tracker, spotting the footprint of an apex predator on the hunt for its prey is a singularly special experience. Yet, here in the delicate ecosystem that is Africa, there’s another footprint that is being noticed: our carbon footprint.

There should be no more doubt that the world’s climate has shifted – and with that comes the understanding that we need to do everything we can to arrest climate change. This most certainly doesn’t mean we should stop exploring, visiting new places and adventuring. At African Aerial Safaris, we believe that we just need to do so more responsibly.

Many African safari lodges have answered the clarion call.  They have employed initiatives such as solar power, grey water systems, prodigious recycling, and many more. One such exciting new initiative, is the use of electric safari vehicles as safari cars.

So, how does it work? Typically, Electrical Safari Vehicles (EVs) are retrofitted 4X4 safari vehicles. Where the engine, gearbox and combustion components are replaced by electric motors, batteries, and control systems. One thing Africa has in abundant supply is sunshine. Using solar panel stations to charge, these EVs – and their off-grid systems – have all but eliminated the need for diesel power. Sustainability in practice!

Currently, African Aerial Safaris have partnerships with four lodges using electrical safari vehicles: Cheetah Plains in South Africa, and Chisa Busanga, Shawa Luangwa en Ila Safari Lodge in Zambia (operated by Green Safaris), with many more expected as the trend grows.

Let’s look at some of the benefits of being on safari in an EV:

Zero Emissions

No burning of fuel, and no need for exhaust systems, resulting in no release of CO2 into the atmosphere. Truly a remarkable benefit, which African Aerial Safaris is proud to be associated with through our partnerships.

Reliability is up; maintenance costs are down

It’s widely believed that turning to solar power increases the lifespan of converted vehicles. How? If there’s only one working part, unlike standard combustion engines, there’s less likelihood of a breakdown. When it comes to maintenance costs, these are greatly reduced since fuel no longer needs to be purchased. An electric motor furthermore requires almost no maintenance – economic and eco-sense. Power and torque aren’t compromised, and just imagine what a difference a lighter engine (just over 40kg) will make over a traditional one (150kg).

Increased performance from the electrical safari vehicles

Whenever EVs are mentioned, the talk invariably turns to range. What if the battery’s juice runs out right in the middle of your game drive? Well, the chances of that are quite slim, what with a safari EV boasting a range of 100km on a single charge. Yes, that’s around double the kilometres of your standard game drive. When we’re talking efficiency, an EV can run at roughly 95% efficiency, whilst standard combustion engines put out 20%-30%. A major, major difference. What about capability? The sealed engines allow the confident fording of rivers, as well as traversing through deep sand. There have even been reports of EVs being used to tow traditional safari 4X4s out of tough spots!


Remember that apex predator stalking its prey? Now you will be able to hear every rustle of a leaf, every crackle of dry brush. You see, EVs are almost whisper quiet. Listen to the birds, hear the call of a jackal, and leave animals undisturbed – no startling due to sudden engine noises. The experienced safari-goer will be used to the jerky motion of a traditional engine starting up, the sudden lurch compromising the opportunity to take a great photo. With an EV 4X4, this is all but eliminated.

At African Aerial Safaris, we welcome every initiative to make the safari experience more planet friendly. The practice of solar power vehicle conversion may still be in its infancy, but we are certainly excited to see where it’s headed. We are here to give you the most rewarding safari experience possible – and now, through our partnerships with Cheetah Plains and Green Safaris, we are playing our part in preserving one of the earth’s most magical ecosystems.